
the Economic crisis appears again

if we analysis using mainstream tools of the declining of US-dollar, Euro power and raising gold prices, world wide debt-crisis, in several next year the business cycle might be stuck again, financial crisis similar economic crisis before WW2 and after WW2,, (when gold-sterling was replaced by gold-USD) (few years later (if correct) USD is replaced by Renmimbi China RMB and gold gaining power)

the assumptions are the european financial crisis (both Euro conditions and legimation, states conditions (deligitimate government to public and market), 
World Wide debt crisis (US debt) --> push debt scheme (loan to countries) to booster the economic by making loan to other countries or in other words countries which habitually take/get the loan will absorb that Loan from US or US-backed organization such as IMF, but what if loan interest is rising, same tragedy in 80s where the Reagan increasing the rate, almost all countries in the Latin America that get help from loan hit economic crisis,  countries deficit budget and collaps, and the creditors gain some extra payment money from interest rate,
What China purpose to buy US debt ?? is currency war or others..

on the Surfaces, the Currency war is representing crisis and deploying commodities,, but basically it is inherent contradiction in capitalism as a economic system.. 

and historically cycles speak "War" is neccesity
so watch the world burn....
and the capitalist as the major player of economic speculators are still rich..

but i hope my banal calculation is default
we see later dude.....

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